/Aims & Scope of Biomedical Research and Therapy updated

Aims & Scope of Biomedical Research and Therapy updated

Dear Authors and Readers,

Biomedical Research and Therapy (ISSN 2198-4093) was published by Springer in Global Science Journals from 2014-2015, and BioMedPress from 2016 to now. As a result of a revolution, and to improve the journal quality, the publisher decided to revise the aims and scope of Biomedical Research and Therapy.

From October 2020 (Issue 10, Vol 7), Biomedical Research and Therapy will focus on medicine that publishes high-quality open access research articles with a special emphasis on basic, translational and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies, including animal models and clinical trials.

Original research ranges from new concepts in human biology and disease pathogenesis to robust preclinical bases for new therapeutic modalities and drug development to all phases of clinical work and innovative technologies aimed at improving human health.

Current areas of interest also include:

  • Gene and cell therapies
  • Clinical genomics
  • Regenerative medicine
  • High-definition medicine
  • Effects of the environment in human health
  • Artificial intelligence in health care
  • Early disease diagnosis
  • Microbiome
  • Aging

The peer-review process will only accept content that is scientifically, technically, and ethically sound, and in compliance with standard reporting guidelines.

Please read the Aims and Scope here.

Best wishes,

Lili Hami

Journal Manager, Biomedical Research and Therapy

Biomedpress, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam